Sculpture Archivi - Sarah Del Giudice
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Fonderia d'arte Del Giudice, Firenze

Del Giudice Art Foundry

Sarah Del Giudice gets in touch with art and its techniques at the Del Giudice Art Foundry, run by her family; based on the valuable lessons of her father Leonardo, she develops an individual creative process rich in meanings. This place is extremely important for her, since it acts as a protective nest or rather as an idea and culture incubator, which has laid the foundations for her personal and artistic growth. Today, she manages the Del Giudice Art Foundry together with her brother Giacomo, projecting the ancient skill and know-how of her family into the present and future, without neglecting the contemporary techniques but preserving the Renaissance appearance of an art foundry, where...

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Opere in fusione


During her artistic career, Sarah has used different materials, such as terracotta, plaster and cement, but especially bronze, characterised by unique aesthetic properties. "I have devoted my whole life to the processing of this material, since I was a child; I grew up in the foundry, where my grandfather, then my father and lately my brother Giacomo created beautiful objects and sculptures. I immediately fell in love with this work, the underlying activities and the experience that it requires, I love to immerse myself in it."   The lost-wax casting technique includes the realization of a terracotta mock-up, however Sarah often uses the wax and then creates a metal copy of it through various steps. This...

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Donna seduta, Sarah Del Giudice


These works are connected to the still-life drawing of human body, as well as to anatomical studies revised through techniques similar to those used by the sculptors of the early 20th century. A special emphasis is given to a physical attitude or pose which may reflect an intrinsic aspect of the figure represented. The casting coatings are quite traditional, namely they do not affect the style and play a minor role with respect to the aesthetic feature of the final work.  ...

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The couple

These are imaginary snap-shots, designed to grasp the most natural attitudes of the couple, which are sometimes exaggerated with a touch of malice. The sculptures represent a young couple, where the protagonists are both faceless and ageless. The couple recalls love, falling in love and complicity. The coatings stress the message that the artist wants to convey, also providing a different emotional value. Sarah Del Giudice is really fond of red as well as of off-white physical coatings....

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LL’equilibrista squilibrato Bronzo e alluminio


"Stories", symbols recalling the objects and the meaning that we may assign to them. The object is tightly linked to the character to further stress its symbolism, hat - head - thoughts, or shoe - walk - path. In this case, the bronze figures are technical examples of the casting process; the real objects becoming eternal through their transformation into a bronze sculpture thus acquire another role, another identity....

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"I have a strong affection for this issue." Travel is herein intended as a synonym for life, a path of recollections. The suitcase, which is often used by the same artist, represents an emotional burden, whether light or heavy, but always worthy of reflection. The suitcase acts as a sponge, which absorbs any event in our lives. "The character with the suitcase reflects the message that I want to convey: a suitcase too heavy to be dragged, many suitcases at which we stare turning our gaze far away." ...

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"Just like children, I believe that stars are magic. I would spend the whole night looking at them; the starry sky looks like a beautiful blanket.” These sculptures reflect the rhetoric and the cliché relating to the representation of a couple and its complicity aiming at the achievement of one’s dreams and desires. "I am deeply fascinated by the stories generally told to children about shooting stars as well as by those “legends” which regard stars as an evidence of the presence of someone who has died.” In her work entitled "Contemplatore di stelle", the artist began to stare at the sky, figuring out stories about the characters involved and accurately reproducing the surrounding elements with...

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